Indrustries Served
CECO Machine & Tool has a broad customer base. Supplying industries such as automotive, die, consumer products, packaging and the close tolerance medical industry; CECO Machine & Tool's precision machining helps protect the integrity and reputation of our customers' product.
Projects that consist of single detail prints, fixtures or trial components are all cost effectively manufactured and delivered on your schedule. Successfully getting your product to market also determines our success.
About CECO

Growth and Quality
Established in 1995, CECO Machine & Tool has grown into a team of skilled craftsmen dedicated to providing quality products and services to our customers. Progress continues at a rapid pace at CECO Machine & Tool, with plans for additional equipment purchases and our recent expansion into our new facility, our commitment to our customers' success continues to grow stronger.
CECO Standards
CECO Machine & Tool has built its reputation over time and with hard work. The following are our standards of excellence that we live by every day:* Made in America
* Pride in craftsmanship
* Investment in state-of-the-art
* Total devotion to customer
* Infinite focus on quality